6 responses

  1. Martine
    October 17, 2020

    I was recently out walking and came upon a fairy garden in a nature reserve. It was actually very sweet and even as an adult makes you smile. Though magical and make believe they somehow seem to bring a little wonder and joy. Personally, I would prefer and use only non-plastic items for obvious reasons. And as you state there are many options to do this. I enjoyed your article and am tempted to create my own fairy garden.


    • Randi
      October 17, 2020

      That’s one of my favorite things about fairy gardens, they work no matter where you decide to put it in! (‘Cause who are we to say fairies don’t live here or there? hehe) I think you should GO for it! And please feel free to share any pictures or updates if you do decide to give it a go.


  2. math
    October 17, 2020

    These are great ideas tips and tricks to share with others in this time of crisis keep busy and most of all creative. Creativeness comes out when you are by yourselves and not thinking about it. That’s when it comes to using and you have shard wonderful and inspiring ideas for our new projects. We thank you again for this and can’t thank you enough for how much this helps.



    • Randi
      October 18, 2020

      I personally feel like my gardening time is a very peaceful time… when the kids aren’t outside. lol
      You’re welcome and I’d love to see what you are working on! Feel free to share pictures and ideas!


  3. Aparna Bansal
    October 18, 2020

    Fairy Gardens have always seemed mysterious to me. I totally love them and have tried to make a few myself. This gives such good ideas for making a garden. Love the article.


    • Randi
      October 18, 2020

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it!


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